My Whys Lead My Passion to Help Others….
As founder of Simply Made Health, LLC and a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), I specialize in guiding women to reach their personal goals for long-term benefits and results.
Following an eye opening breast cancer diagnosis in December 2013, after chemotherapy and multiple surgeries, I’ve changed everything that touches my body and comes into my home. Do you struggle with a health concern yourself? Personally, I was shaken to my core and moved to action! Unless I wanted to continue on this same unhealthy path, I had some changes to make.
What does your future health look like on your current path? Would you like to make changes but are uncertain what to do? Do you need a little inspiration to help you achieve your personal goals for total body health? I can support and encourage you as we navigate what’s right for you together. With ongoing support and guidance, I will assist you to confidently tackle your challenges, determining where you are “stuck”, and lead you to make sustainable changes. With encouragement and accountability, we will explore all areas of your life with a holistic, non-judgmental approach.
Health and well-being is about total body, mind and spirit. How much time do you spend with someone that really listens to understand you? How often do you pause to reflect on and share your personal goals and dreams? As your health & wellness coach, we’ll navigate this confusing world of nutrition and health advice, exploring what works best for you while creating small, attainable steps.
Click here to read Testimonials about what others have experienced working with me. Click “CONTACT ME” below for your FREE, 30-Minute Discovery Conversation. Our journey together helping you to live and feel your best can START TODAY!
Guide On Your Path…
Also Having a Master’s Degree in Education,
I’ve been an educator for over twenty years. I speak locally on a variety of topics including gut health, eating healthy on a budget, time management and the effects of harmful chemicals in personal care and cleaning products to name a few. My most recent training has been through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, the nation’s leading health coach training school. What a privilege it’s been to learn from top experts in holistic nutrition, health coaching and prevention along with studying over 100 dietary theories from Ayurveda to gluten-free, Paleo, raw, vegan, macrobiotics and everything in-between. These experts include but are not limited to:
Dr. Daniel Amen, Double Board-Certified Psychiatrist, Amen Clinics
Dr. Susan Blum, Clinical Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Family Practice, Lead Expert on Nutritional Healing
Dr. Mark Hyman, Family Physician, Founder of The UltraWellness Center
Dr. David Katz, Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center
Dr. Raphael Kellman, Integrative & Functional Medicine Wellness Center
Geneen Roth, Bestselling Author and Expert on Emotional Eating
Dr. Bernie Siegel, Retired Surgeon at Yale, Founder of Exceptional Cancer Patients
Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University
David Wolfe, Raw Food Leader and Nutritional Expert