Essential Oils for Beginners: Gift of Wellness

Essential Oils.  Beginners.  Gifts.  Wellness.

Essential oils are little power-house, immune building drops in a bottle.  If you are challenged on where to begin, this information may be a good start for you. Due to their unlimited applications, the sea of information can be overwhelming. As with everything, quality matters.  Hopefully, the following tips will simplify the information, increasing your confidence while using essential oils.

 Usage Options

  1. Diffusing ~ Everyone has heard about diffusing, right?!  Breathing in the essence of oils, by way of your lungs, gets them into your body. This is a great way to eliminate those toxic candles from your home also. Do you burn those highly fragrant, colored candles?  After learning how harmful they are, you know which ones I mean, I threw mine in the garbage.  Most are made with paraffin wax and when burned, along with the lead found in many wicks, they release benzene and toluene, among other toxins known carcinogens that cause cancer.  Did you know they affect your air quality even when unlit and on your counter?!  Yep…if you smell it, your body is affected by the carcinogenic scent.  Diffusing essential oils actually builds your immunity through inhalation vs. your immune system working to protect itself from the incoming toxins found in these candles. So, how do you find the right diffuser?  There are many inexpensive options. Check out Amazon and find an ultrasonic one with great reviews.  If most people love it, you most likely will too.  Differences to watch for:  design, amount of water that fills reservoir tank, specific water required, length of time it diffuses, with or without light.  First, go with what color or style looks nice with your décor, then find one highly recommended.  Don’t overthink it as it’s not a lifetime commitment. Depending on usage, you will replace it, just like anything.  Reach out to me if you would like help simplifying the choices; I can assist you to find the right diffuser for you.

  2. Applying to the Skin ~ Research shows the importance of mixing essential oils with a carrier oil before applying to your skin.  It slows the absorption for longer benefits and results to your body. There are numerous acceptable carrier options, like coconut, olive, jojoba or avocado oil to name a few. Pure Haven jojoba oil is my personal favorite and here’s why. When I get an occasional massage, I bring this with my chosen essential oil added.  My therapist was using a body oil with 12 parabens!  No thanks for this body. Also, three different therapists, independent of each other, told me how much they LOVE this jojoba oil. Here is their feedback…holds moisture, it’s not sticky or tacky, feels nice on their own skin while applying it to mine. Ingredients truly matter and not a bad price for exceptional quality.  It’s because of Pure Haven’s affordable prices and an incomparable quality that I’m willing to stand behind this line and share it with others. It may be the right choice for you too?!

  3. Inhaling/Breathing In ~ In addition to summarizing much of what I’ve discussed here, The University of Minnesota discusses inhaling essential oils by using a few drops in a bowl of hot water. Place a towel over your head, then lean face first over the bowl and breath!  Adding eucalyptus and peppermint is especially helpful when suffering with sinus or respiratory issues. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a spray bottle of water for a room freshener, shake well before spraying.  All essential oils have properties to support health concerns.  Identifying your concern can help you choose an oil.

  4. Ingesting ~ So many discuss how essential oils can be ingested. As there is controversy around this issue, I err on the side of caution and believe in providing both sides of the discussion. With children under the age of 7 or when pregnant, some oils are not suggested.  More discussion is necessary than is explored here. I would encourage you to please do your research. We have to discern where we get our advice from on this option. Is it from someone selling a product or from a certified aroma therapist as can be found through the Aromahead Institute or Tisserand Institute.  According to Aromahead, here is what they say about ingestion and what they teach their students:

“Pharmacodynamics is the therapeutic action of the essential oil once it enters the body, and you have to know essential oil chemistry in order to understand this action. Pharmacokinetics is how the body responds to the oil, how the oil is transformed and metabolized, and how the body uses the foreign substance (essential oil) and finally eliminates it. And the potential toxicity and long-term effects must be considered by studying toxicology. Knowing essential oil chemistry, anatomy, and physiology is vital to understanding which oils to choose, appropriate dosage, and safety.” 

Additionally, through conversations with a holistic doctor, one patient burned her esophagus from regular, essential oil ingestion.  Another put too much lemon in her water, permanently damaging her kidneys. More is not always better, and there is a lot to learn about essential oils. The FDA supports ingestion of certain oils; I would add that there are many products approved by the FDA to be safe when they shouldn’t be. If you’re interested in ingestion, do your research to get a full picture so you are able to make an informed decision about what’s right for your body.  Education on both the positives and the potential adverse health exposures can help you to make such a decision.

My Personal Favorites

Where to begin as I have many favorites, and this can be subjective. You ask five people their favorite oils and you will get five different opinions. With that being said, these suggestions can be a starting place.  As I’ve mentioned, not all oils are created equal.  From personal use, after much research, Pure Haven and Young Living essential oils are the only ones I use. There are other brands but these are two I can speak about from experience.  Both brands are therapeutic grade and are the quality you want.  Look for how the oils are sourced and stored prior to packaging. Oils stored in aluminum vats, for instance, during manufacturing will have traces of aluminum, that will get into your body with use. If you can’t find this information or it’s not available, choose another brand. Toxins in the oils will enter your body through use.  Each oil has a wider application than discussed here; I only touch on their benefits. 

  1. Peppermint by Pure Haven or Peppermint with Young Living ~ I cannot say enough about peppermint essential oil.  It is good for so many issues like headaches, alertness, allergies, cramps, stomach irritations. For headaches, add two drops of peppermint to about a teaspoon of carrier oil. Apply it to your temples, behind your neck, on your chest and wherever the source of the headache is coming from.  If it’s the forehead, apply it there. Repeat as needed. This is a “hot” oil so it warms the skin. I absolutely LOVE how it feels on my skin and cannot be without it.  Sometimes I apply it just because. It has the ability to bring up your mood and smells delicious. Even though it is an “energy” oil, often times I apply it before bed. The sensation on my skin is like getting a warm hug. 😊

  2. Frankincense with Young Living or Frankincense by Pure Haven ~ Another powerhouse favorite, that I so passionately call “Frankie”, is mentioned 52 times in the bible!  There are reasons why…it is anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory. Helps asthma and coughs, depression, emotional balance, and wrinkle prevention.  Mix it with your facial moisturizer to support your skin.  My most favorite is to apply at bedtime. I think it improves my sleep. At first, it smelled repulsive but once I got used to it, I actually crave it now. This one is more costly.

  3. Five Defense by Pure Haven or Thieves with Young Living ~ The 15th-Century tale tells of thieves in France who robbed victims with highly contagious Black Plague, but they never got sick. They were protected with a balm made of five various oils…lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, cinnamon, and clove bud.  It smells wonderful to diffuse in your home while helping to fight illness.  Perfect for this time of the year.

  4.  Sweet Orange by Pure Haven or Lemon with Young Living  ~ Sweet orange smells just like sweet oranges.  Packed with antioxidants, it helps anxiety with its calming, uplifting abilities. Lemon too is rich with antioxidants, is relaxing and uplifting. It’s anti-cancer, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, used for cleaning, constipation relief.  Both oils can be diffused alone or blend well with frankincense or cinnamon.  For a morning energy boost, add either to your favorite moisturizer. 

  5. Tranquility by Pure Haven ~ This calming blend consists of five essential oils…cedarwood, lavender, frankincense, sweet orange and roman chamomile. Use it on your skin with a carrier for its calming affects.  It makes a wonderful cologne.  A small amount of this inexpensive oil has a powerful scent.

Learning about essential oils is not an event but a process. There is too much to know and, for me, it’s a lifelong learning process.  These basics can help you get started reaping the benefits for your body and home.  Since all essential oils support your immune system, you cannot go wrong with any of them, as long as quality isn’t compromised.  Reach out to me if you are stuck or have specific concerns.  I can guide you about essential oils and diffusers to find what is right for you.  And, if you’re already using essential oils, please do share a favorite or two below. 


 “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.  Then they opened the treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” 

Matthew 2:11